Saturday, July 12, 2014

Beach Art: July DIY Week

Hello there! This was actually supposed to be yesterday's DIY, but I dropped the ball, so I will be posting two DIY's today. First up, we have my take on a simple piece of summer-themed art! I came up with this idea myself, and I have to say I'm pretty proud of it.

What You'll Need:
Poster Board
Foam Brushes
(I tried to use shells but it didn't work. If you can figure out how to make that happen, please do and share it with me.)

I started off by taking the "gold" (it was really more like dark yellow) paint and covered the bottom of my foot. I then stepped on the poster board, leaving it there for a few seconds, and then stepped off of it. I then repeated this step for the other foot, placing the second foot print ahead of it slightly so that it looked like two foot prints in the sand.

I then experienced my fail with the sea shells, so instead of having a shell pattern around the foot prints, I decided to opt for swirls, that represent the water instead.

And that was it! So easy and I think it really adds a bit of summer to my room. I'm not a skilled painter by any means, so being able to do something as simple as this allows me to sort of live out that fantasy that I could actually be an artist. 


  1. It looks amazing. Simple, but brilliant.


    1. That's my motto actually, crazy enough. Simple but still looks like I have some form of artistic talent. Thank you so much!

  2. wow! Love it!! :)
